
爱德华·马奈(Édouard Manet,1832—1883年)出生在法国巴黎的写实派与印象派、现代主义绘画之父。是19世纪印象主义的奠基人之一,马奈是艺术史上最重要且最有影响力的画家之一,马奈的画具有古典造型基础,又有明亮鲜艳、光与色的整体表现,仍保持着形象的真实感。代表作有《草地上的午餐》、《奥林匹亚》、《吹笛子的少年》、《咖啡馆》、《女神游乐厅的吧台》和《海边的女人们》等。


The Garden at Bellevue

The ham

The Lemon

The stroll

The Suicide

Woman with a Cat

Young woman in the garden

Young woman taking a walk holding an open umbrella

Artist's atelier

Madame Manet in conservatory

Young woman among the flowers

Woman with a gold pin

Woman Reading

The Server of Bocks

The conservatory

Singer at a Café-Concert

Self Portrait with a Palette

Portrait of Monsieur Brun

Portrait of Georges Clemenceau

Portrait of Mademoiselle Isabelle Lemonnier

At the Cafe-Concert

In the bar "Le Bouchon"

At Father Lathuille's

Portrait of George Moore



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