
保罗·塞尚(Paul Cézanne,1839年—1906年),法国后印象主义画派画家,被誉为“现代艺术之父”。塞尚的画风是一个独特的艺术品类,他认为形状和色彩是不可分离的,风格介于印象派到立体主义画派之间,他的作品在印象派的基础上,开始了对立体形状的探索,从而开启了现代艺术的大门。他的独特视角和创作方式对于马蒂斯、毕加索等画家产生了深远影响。


The Park of the Chateau Noir with Well

Forest near the rocky caves above the Chateau Noir

Vase of Flowers

Still Life, Vase with Flowers

Still life with three skulls

Mont Sainte-Victoire Seen from les Lauves

Mont Sainte-Victoire

Houses on the Hill

Blue Landscape

Young Girl with a Doll

Blue Pot and Bottle of Wine

Child in a Straw Hat

Leaves in a Green Pot

Man Smoking a Pipe

Mont Sainte-Victoire

Road near Mont Sainte-Victoire

Bathers. Mont Sainte-Victoire in the Background

Woman in Blue. Madame Cezanne

Study of Bathers

Still Life Apples, a Bottle and Chairback

Corner of Quarry

Mont Sainte-Victoire

Man with Crossed Arms

Pine and Aqueduct



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